Do I need to disclose my disability to get a Sunflower lanyard?

There is no qualifying list of invisible disabilities - you simply choose to wear the Sunflower to indicate that you may need additional support, help or simply a little more time.

Do I need to explain why I am wearing the Sunflower lanyard to get support?

You don't need to explain why you are wearing the Sunflower lanyard

The Sunflower symbol doesn’t focus on the invisible, it triggers a simple question ‘How can I help you?’ to focus on the support or understanding you need. Simply by wearing the Sunflower, you’re letting everyone know that you might need extra help, understanding, or just more time.

Do I have to wear the Sunflower lanyard all the time?

It is up to you to choose when to wear the Sunflower.

Hidden disabilities can be situational, for example, a nut allergy, some are temporary, for example, a hip operation or an injury, such as a broken ankle; or some are permanent but do not present all the time: for example migraines or Crohn's disease. Carry it with you so you can decide when you want to wear it to show that you need additional support, understanding or time.

How do I get a Sunflower lanyard at NEXT?

 If you need to get a lanyard, please contact Anna Button via able@next.co.uk

If you work in Retail, please contact Retail HR  to get yours