Carers Hub

Are you are carer? This is a question that for many can take up to two years to acknowledge.

 Looking after family is viewed in society as one of the roles you do for people you love, however when those needs are going above and beyond what is the norm, then you potentially are a carer. 

The NHS defines a carer as: 

'Anyone, including children and adults who look after family members partners or friends who need help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid'

It can be difficult for carers to see their caring role as separate from the relationship they have with the person for whom they care, whether that relationship is as a parent, child, sibling, partner, or a friend. Therefore it is very likely that every one of us will have caring responsibilities at some time in our lives with the challenges faced by carers taking many forms. Many carers juggle their caring responsibilities with work, study and other family commitments. Some, in particular younger carers, are not known to be carers. They don’t tell relatives, friends or health and care professionals about their responsibilities because of a fear of separation, guilt, pride or duty. 

At NEXT it is important that we create a better awareness and understanding of the needs of people who work for us, but are also carers for their disabled family member. This information Hub hopefully will go some way in signposting to the resources out there. 

We have also included in the Oracle System a section where someone can indicate that they are a carer for a disabled family member or friend. Have you checked out your information under Personal Details? Please do so today!