What Is It Like To Work For Next With A Disability?

You may be wondering what it's really like to work for NEXT as someone who is disabled...or as someone who cares for someone with a disability?? Do you want to find out?? Take a look below.....

'I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 14. I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome whilst in school and it didn't really make any sense to me at the time. I spent a lot of my time growing up hiding this from people as I found it embarrassing and was questioning whether I was "different" to everybody else. It always caused me to struggle with social interaction which made things difficult but my time at NEXT since the age of 18 has really helped me progress with this part of my life which I'm so grateful for. I'm now learning to wear my disability with pride and show that its what makes me who I am' Team Manager NEXT Distribution 

'I have Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis and the secondary diseases that come with it, that I have are Interstitial Lung Disease and Raynaud's Phenomenon. Fortunately, I haven't got any other of the secondary diseases yet. I was only diagnosed about a year ago but had symptoms for over 9 years! I have worked here at Next for 2.5 years and this last year has been the most challenging for me, with hospital treatments, days off sick and coping with flare ups as well as mental stress from the illness. Without the support of my manager, I don't think I could've stayed here or even had a job. Can I just say how unbelievably supportive my team are with my condition. I don't know many companies that would support their colleagues in this way. It's lovely to be a part of a support group at work, knowing you're not alone.' Developer NEXT Head Office

'I am deaf wearing two hearing aids, without these I am unable to hear at all my store. The store in Croydon have given me the upmost support with this.' Team Member Retail' Team Member Retail

'I have been with NEXT for 18 plus years, how time flys. Back in 2003 I had my first child, a boy. When my son was 1 I joined NEXT, new baby and new job, everything was looking good. 

Then in 2007 I had 2 major turning points in my young life. I moved with the business to the newly built DVB and I noticed something just wasn’t quite right with my son. 

The next few years were tough I won’t lie, fighting for support, fighting for him an education and fighting us both to both heard but most importntly understood. 

The one place I never had that fight was NEXT and more importantly and I must mention the people who to this day do not understand the impact they had on helping me through it. I owe a massive thanks to Richard Moody,  for many many reasons. Where do I start. Richard had an open door policy I used it. From being a senior member of staff and also being open to just listen, to simply pulling me up to chat about his latest running challenge. Never underestimate a simple “how’s things” and what that can do' Team Manager NEXT Distribution. 

'I have been extremely lucky to have such amazing store managers, team and an amazing company! My gastro and feeding team have said its extremely rare they hear of an adult with a feeding tube working as most workplaces will not allow or even accept someone working for them with this. There isn't any reason why you can't work if you are up to it and can do so safely. There has been a lot of laughs along the way at my store and at the hospital around my condition.' Team Member Retail.